Parish Hall/SRH Space Reservation

As part of the ministry of our Parish, we want to extend the use of our buildings to members of the Parish Family for events that support a strong family structure and encourage the celebration of the blessings God has given us. Current active members may use Parish buildings for family gatherings in celebration of weddings, names days, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, and other holidays and special occasions under the following conditions:

• The occasion should be a FAMILY gathering, meaning that a significant number of immediate and extended family will be present, as well as other guests and members of the Parish. For example, a Parish member could not use a Parish building to host a party for their bowling team.

• All of our Parish rooms have been blessed and consecrated, and Holy Icons are present in each room to remind us that Christ is in our midst. It is strongly suggested that the event be opened with prayer. The language and behavior at the event should reflect reverence for Christ and respect for the Church. If you are not sure that some of your guests will behave appropriately, don’t invite them, or hold the event elsewhere.

• Use common sense with regards to food and beverage service, i.e., don’t allow small children to eat or drink in areas where spills will create a major cleaning problem. In general, that would include the living room and dining room at the St. Raphael House, where there is upholstered furniture, carpeting, etc.

• The host Member must be responsible for cleaning up after the event so that all the space used (including bathrooms) is at least as neat and clean as it was before the event. All trash should be removed and trash bags replaced lights, turned off, heat or air conditioning returned to schedule, and all doors locked. This may include vacuuming, mopping, wiping down tables, etc.. Make sure you know in advance where all the necessary cleaning supplies are located, how to operate the thermostat, how to lock up, etc.

• If the Parish has a pressing need to use the space, even though the event was not on the Parish Calendar at the time the space was reserved, the Parish reserves the right to cancel the space reservation with as much notice as possible.